Thursday, December 31, 2015

Dear 2015, thank you!

Dear 2015, 

You pained me pretty bad but honestly still, thank you 2015. 

You did not leave me unscathed but I swear, you made me stronger. 

You taught me that being brave and taking risks are sometimes not worth it. But believe, I do not regret them. They are now lessons I had to learn the hard way. 

You also taught me that there are fights I have to surrender and feelings I have to set aside. That there just comes a time that letting go is the only option. I've tried long enough, hard enough so please do not blame me.

Most importantly, you made me realize--not once but twice!--that above anyone else, it should be me. That my heart is fragile. That happiness is key. And that I matter. 

And so for all the bad and the good, I am still grateful for you 2015. 

As you end tonight, I will leave you with a smile. 

Yours truly,