Wednesday, December 31, 2014

25 at 2015

OMG, quarter life crisis. 


But seriously, it's ringing 2015 in a few hours, and I'm turning 25 in a few days. And I couldn't feel more excited, and afraid at the same time. 

Ask why? Because although 2014 have brought me new experiences--I've went to new places, and met new faces--the year passed rather insignificantly in general. But I am not complaining. I'm even very thankful for everything that has happened in my personal life, family and relationship, and of course my journalism career. 

This is, in a way, an acceptance. That even if 2014 became so-so, 2015 I promise will pave way for greater things. This is the year, and the age, that I will get closer to my other, and definitely bigger dream. 

That's why I am excited and afraid altogether. I pray to God, who has always been so kind and giving, to guide and help me. May things fall into their respective places. 

To 2014, I am saying goodbye to you with no regrets. 

And to 2015, I am ready for you so you better be good! 

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