Tuesday, October 16, 2012

An Open Letter to JC Abueg

An open letter to the man...
...that shows me kindness;
offers me trust;
gives me happiness;
completes my life;
loves me, and I love back.
This letter is for the man named JC Abueg, solely for him. Only, I am letting you, and everybody else, read it as well. Because, I want the world to know how much I love him. Just so he knows how much I am truly proud of him.

Dear Mahal, 

Happy first anniversary. Just saying it makes me smile. :) One year--such a small digit but it already means a lot to me, and I know, to you as well. 

So much so that I don't even know where to begin with! I wish there's some kind of chronological order for explaining things like falling in love that I can follow. 

But there's none. So I will follow my heart instead. 

And the first thing it says is: I love you. 

I love you. 

Saying that feels enough already. I could already end this letter! Kidding! I won't coz that's boring (especially for your other readers). ;)

*** The second thing that comes to my mind is: Thank you. 

Thank you for everything! And everything means EVERYTHING! The kisses, the touches, the hugs, and, sorry but I have to stop there! :P 

Thank you also for your kindness, for the trust, for your efforts, and for including me in your lifelong plans. 

Thank you for always thinking of me. I know you always think of me. 

Thanks because you still miss me as if you just went to a faraway land yesterday. Your longing for me does not wane, rather it seems to intensify the longer we spend time "not together." And I think that is good. I don't want us getting very at ease with distance. 

Also, when you were still here in the country, thank you for donwloading films for me. Nobody does that for me anymore. Thank you for being my food and coffee buddy. Thank you for bringing me to movie dates. Thank you for sitting beside me when Walking Dead gets really scary! Thank you for liking my little cats (please stop getting jealous with Dylan the Great already!). I look forward to all of these stuffs again, when you get back. 

With that, thank you for all the memories, and the others yet to come. In time, Mahal. 

Thank you for understanding me when I get so moody and just stupidly angry over petty maters. By now, you would know that I am the master of exaggeration. When I see a little fault, I always want to make it big. I don't know why I do that. I also don't want to do that anymore. But I keep on doing it still. So really! Thank you for stretching your thread of patience a little more, and a little more, all the time!

Thank you for your loyalty and stick to one attitude. Guys like you are a rarity. So, be sure to never change that OK? Or else! You know what will happen. 

And just thank you for your immeasurable love for me. 

That's the happy part of this letter because unfortunately, there is a "not so happy" part.

And it begins with my wish for us to keep strong. I know things sometimes feel easier than we expected but harder times are ahead us. It can't be helped. You are there, and I am here. 

There are temptations, misunderstandings, unbearable longings, and worst of all, actually growing apart. 

Let us never let that happen. Let's promise each other that when everything seems to be falling apart, we'll work harder to fix the broken parts, and work even harder to catch one another. 

Also, I also want to share to you how lately, people are showing me that second chances are possible. So if ever we do something horrible to each other, we forgive. We open our hearts and minds. And we believe in our love. 

I wish you all the best wherever you are, here or in the US, or other countries even. But believe me when I say that the secret to success is to dream. Sounds too idealist, but a person who dreams is a person who lives. So I hope you dream Mahal. Dream to become something, someone. Dreams are very important. 

And of course, do your hardest to achieve that dream. I am just always here to support you. 

Don't forget too that if you're feeling down there in that foreign land, family, friends and others are missing you here in the Philippines. I hope you continue to share to me whatever problems you are having there. I'll always listen and give the meanest advice. Hahaha! You know me!

And believe me, I still don't plan on living there. I reminded you about dreams earlier, so let me remind you that my dreams are grounded here in our country. Para kay Inang Bayan.

People can think all they want that I'll follow you there, but I won't. You have no other choice but to get back here. 

Many do not believe in long distance relationships. I can't blame them, really. I might even agree at some point. 

But what I actually believe in--more than the relationship--is you. I believe you. 

Happy first year. May this be the beginning of forever. 

Yours truly/XOXO, 


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